To submit new content, interviews or an idea for a new show, contact us at contact@eastsidemedia.net.
MINOR MIRACLES (Beginning Spring 2020)
Ask yourself a simple question. Was there an event in your past that you can point to which changed the direction of your life? The easy answer to that question is yes, of course - that very thing happens all the time. Maybe it was something big – a world event that happened far away – and it created a situation or set of circumstances which made a huge difference in where you are today? Or maybe it was something smaller, but it created just enough inertia to change the trajectory, or your outlook, of your life.
Minor Miracles attempts to look at and examine what happened to individuals, families, groups, and dive into the collateral effects created in the wake of a variety of events. And - although we focus on the positives, we also acknowledge the downside of certain situations which were caused by the inevitable chain reaction of events. And as we dig, we uncover some incredible stories – and along the way discover a common connection to others’ common experiences.
Season 1: Season 1 focuses on growing up on the East Side of St. Paul MN in the 1970s and 1980s – and the hockey community that existed there. When the East Side’s own Herb Brooks coached Team USA to 1980 Olympic Gold, it was a huge source of East Side pride, which raised the bar even higher if you played hockey in this already hockey-rich community. We will discuss the ripple-effect of significant events and factors that shaped that era, and dive into why the 70s & 80s was such a special time to be an "East-Sider". Listen Here
PAYNE-FUL THOUGHTS (Coming Winter 2020-21)
Payne-ful Thoughts will be a lightly-edited and interactive podcast that will invite random guests, experts, and listeners to opine about a variety of current events, trends and topics. Although we will strive to find humor and subtle irony in all of our discussions, sometimes the results can be truly painful. This podcast will kick-off Winter 2020-21 and will be hosted each episode by one of the Burke Brothers. Drawing upon our French (Le), Irish (Burk), and Polish (ski) roots, we will attempt to frame current national / world issues around a midwestern perspective - and then invite guests to present alternate or counter perspectives to opine, educate and entertain. Our goal will not be to push any one perspective on a single issue, but instead to present a wide array of multiple perspectives on the same issue.
HIGHWAY 61 (Coming Spring 2021)
Highway 61 is a Virtual Road Trip which explores the Commonalities and Differences in Mid-Continent Communities along Highway 61. The podcast will interview individuals and groups who have a history along this historic highway and explore the socio-economic drivers that influence these communities.
Season 1: Season 1 will focus on how the events of 2020 affected communities near and along Highway 61 - from Lake Superior to the gulf of Mexico. Pandemic crisis…Social justice issues…Economic upheaval… and a Historic 2020 election. The Highway 61 podcast will explore the different viewpoints of a diverse group of people from eight states - from Minnesota on south to Louisiana - and attempt to draw out and celebrate the commonalities we have as “Mid-Continentals”.
In the QUEUE…
ART TASTING 101 (2021) - A Podcast for Non-Artists
Insight, Interpretations and Interviews from Artists in the Visual, Performing and Media Arts
A MAGIC PATCH OF GRASS (2021) - A Special Project
Stories told of growing up in the Playground Lifestyle by last ‘Unstructured’ generation