East Side Media (ESM) is a podcast company that chronicles human-interest stories through interviews & real-life experiences. ESM is based in St. Paul, MN and is a collaboration started by brothers Brad and Paul Burke. If you have ideas for content, drop us a line at contact@eastsidemedia.net. Thanks for Listening!
- Season 1 (2020)
Minor Miracles attempts to look at and examine what happened to individuals, families, groups, and dive into the collateral effects created in the wake of a variety of events. As we dig, we uncover some incredible stories – and along the way discover a common connection to others’ common experiences.
Season 1: Season 1 focuses on growing up on the East Side of St. Paul MN in the 1970s and 1980s – and the hockey community that existed there. When the East Side’s own Herb Brooks coached Team USA to 1980 Olympic Gold, it was a huge source of East Side pride, which raised the bar even higher if you played hockey in this already hockey-rich community. We will discuss the ripple-effect of significant events and factors that shaped that era, and dive into why the 70s & 80s was such a special time to be an "East-Sider".
Payne-ful Thoughts will be a lightly-edited and interactive podcast that will invite random guests, experts, and listeners to opine about a variety of current events, trends and topics. Although we will strive to find humor and subtle irony in all of our discussions, sometimes the results can be truly painful.
On-Going: This podcast will kick-off Winter 2020-21 and will draw upon the host’s French (Le), Irish (Burk), and Polish (ski) roots, in an attempt to frame current national / world issues around an upper midwestern perspective. Guests, experts, and listeners will be invited to present alternate or counter perspectives to issues - and to opine, educate and entertain. Our goal will not be to push any one perspective on a single issue, but instead to present a wide array of multiple, and sometimes strange, perspectives on the same issue.
- SEASON 1 (SPRING 2021)
Highway 61 is a Virtual Road Trip which explores the Commonalities and Differences in Mid-Continent Communities along Highway 61. The podcast will interview individuals and groups who have a history along this historic highway and explore the socio-economic drivers that influence these communities.
Season 1: Season 1 will focus on how the events of 2020 affected communities near and along Highway 61 - from Lake Superior to the gulf of Mexico. Pandemic crisis…Social justice issues…Economic upheaval… and a Historic 2020 election. The Highway 61 podcast will explore the different viewpoints of a diverse group of people from nine states - roughly following the Highway and the Mississippi River valley from Minnesota to Louisiana - attempting to draw out commonalities we have as “Mid-Continentals”.